how to pass screening of ssb

I know you are here to know the secrets or I would say tried and tested methods to pass the screening test of SSB or AFSB. But before jumping to that I would want your dedication to read each and every word of this Article carefully and understand it completely. After all this is one of the qualities which SSB is looking at its perfect candidate.

how to pass screening test at ssb

What is SSB/AFSB

SSB stands for service selection board and AFSB stands for Air Force service selection board, from now on we will refer both of these as SSB because the criteria of selection and methodology are the same.

Now to go for SSB you have to pass NDA, AFCAT or CDSE exams. I am assuming that either you have passed or prepared to pass these exams and now your only concern is going through the SSB. But before thinking about getting recommended by the Board (Yes, you don’t pass SSB, You get recommended by SSB) you have to go through the screening first because almost 80% of candidates are rejected at this step. now lets know how to pass screening test of SSB.

Lets Prepare for the Screening Test of SSB

Passing the screening test requires practice, presence of mind and character. We will talk about these qualities in depth. But first lets understand what you feel at the first day of your SSB

How is the environment on the first day of SSB

From every place of India aspirants will reach the railway station or bus stand of the city where there SSB is going to be conducted. Everybody will be properly groomed and would be wearing their best formal dress. This is very important for you to look your best so that you do not lose your confidence their only. At the exact time given to you the staff from SSB will come to pick you up, most probably at the station only they will check your documents and ask you if you have any tattoos on your body. If there is a problem you will be disqualified then and there only. They do allow small tattoos, but if you have a tattoo on your body you will get to know your eligibility then and there only.

Now I want to tell you that you should reach atleast 30 minutes before the prescribed time and you should talk to other candidates. This is your moment to get to know other candidates and also let go some of your anxiety. This will later on help you during GD (very important). If any chance the guys you have made a repo with end up in same GD as yours, it would be a very big advantage to both of you. So consider this Tip No. 1.

What happens when you reach to SSB center

There you would be offered breakfast and now is the time to talk to other candidates and become more comfortable. After this you will go for OIR that is Officers intelligence rating test (quite a dreadful name, isn’t it?) but don’t get intimidated, it is only a aptitude test and if you are logically sound and you have done enough practice you would go through it easily. Here Tip no. 2 is prepare for non verbal(visual aptitude) questions more.

Just after this test you would have PPDT which is Picture Perception and Description Test. It would be in two phase. In first phase you would be given a very hazy picture on which you have to write your perception that is you have to write a story on that picture based on your perception. There is a very important point which you have to remember, But wait a minute we would discuss that, first let me tell you the second part of this test which is Describing your perception of this picture and then there would be group discussion on that.

Picture Perception and Description test(PPDT)

Now here is your Tip no. 3 which is listening- When you are sitting in the examination hall where where you will be given your booklets for OIR and later on the picture for PPDT, you would be briefed by some officers. You have to be fully attentive and listen to everything they say and do exactly. This point is so important that if you just follow this you would increase your chances of clearing the screening test by 80%.

On there speech give special heed to their instructions about PPDT. They will tell you exactly how to write your story. Let me tell you when they show you the picture it is very hazy but still you will make sense how many people are there in the picture. Typically you have to mark their age and gender and mood on the paper using oval, numbers and + and – sign. About the meaning of these things you will be briefed there. And I want you to know that there will be something like that. I don’t want to tell you exactly what it mean because if something is changed during briefing you would get confused.

Now Tip no. 4 is to practice the story writing as much as possible. Narrate this story to your parents, siblings and friends. Do go for GDs if possible. You can read details about PPDT HERE but just remember there is no best or worst story. You just have to write your own story, your own perception. DO NOT COPY.

Final step Group Discussion : Here I will tell you how to shine

First of all build your character. Now question is how to do that! Let me tell you what my Guru taught me, and what he taught me or rather what I could learn from him is that that you should have empathy. If you would have empathy towards the wrong happening in society then only you will think to correct those things and this is the biggest Officer Like Quality you can have. We will talk this in detail in some other article but now lets jump to GD.

Again here also you have to do exactly as told by the instructor. Here I will tell you what you would be asked to do but don’t think that this is going to be same. It would be somewhat similar though

He would tell your group of 8-12 candidates to take 30-30 seconds each and narrate your story, He would say not to look at him but to address your fellow candidates. He would also tell you not to waste time in greeting and come straight to your story. He might instruct you to directly jump to Group Discussion as soon as the last candidates finishes dictating his story. He would also say that when you guys are finished with your discussion and reached a common story then yourselves nominate a candidate to narrate the common story. You have to do exactly what he says, do not get confused.

Now here I would give you some weapons/ideas to be sure to get selected:

  1. If you think you have written something wrong which you actually didn’t want in your story, you can change that thing while narrating your story before GD
  2. Don’t just focus on your story but listen to everybody’s story and judge yourself you makes better sense and start preparing in your mind the connection between your stories. You would need to come to a conclusion at the end.
  3. Now if you are the last candidate to narrate your story, you have the power to narrate your story and just after that start group discussion. This is a big chance my friend as getting a chance to talk in group discussion is very difficult.
  4. As soon as GD starts it would get very noisy, but you have to be focused and attentive, there are a few ways to snatch your chance to talk. and let me tell you how
    • Try to add to the story of other candidate by saying that I think your story is very good but if we can add this(your views) to your story it would become even better.
    • If you see that some candidate is not getting a chance to speak, you can point that out by saying “chest no so and so has not got a chance we should give him/her a chance to add his views” . This my friend is a big OLQ. This will surely give you extra points. And after he completes his point you can add your point.
    • Don’t be greedy, if you have conveyed your point don’t push people to agree to your point but try to navigate the discussion to a common story. This is very difficult, but if your group achieves this, I am sure most of your group would pass the screening.
    • Now lets assume the group was very bad and you did not get any chance to talk and this kind of group would surely not reach a common story and the instructor would have to interfere and he would ask the group to narrate one common story. Now you can urge to the group that you were not able to put your point through but you have listened to everybody’s story and you know what can be a common story. This way you might get a chance to speak. If you are able to do this consider yourself victorious.
    • Lets assume that even in the end the noisy guy in the group says that he should narrate the common story, you have to politely but sturdily take a stand for yourself and tell the whole group to nominate yourself as the other guy has talked enough.
    • Now assume a different version of above point where you have conveyed your point, navigated the discussion successfully and a noisy guy is asking the group to nominate himself, then you can step out for that guy who did not speak much and ask the group to nominate him.
  5. Remember following the above points is not easy, you would need a lot of practice, patience, presence of mind and character. Too much enthusiasm may turn you into noisy guy, too less of enthusiasm will end up speaking nothing. So be judicious and practice the GD as much as possible, Be confident but not rude or self centric.

About the Author : Friends my name is Dheeraj Prashar and I have worked in Merchant Navy, I have appeared for AFSB in 2015. I got through screening test and also passed PABT and CPSS. I have passed SSC, AFCAT, Bank Clerk, Bank PO exam. Currently I am working as Manager for Punjab National Bank. Preparing and going through SSB has brought many positive things in my life. You should definitely go for it.

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