If you are willing to earn good money using affiliare market then you must need a landing page to host the link of the perfect product that you have found with lot of research. Now the next big step is to make a perfectly attractive landing page which looks as authentic as possible and for that you need a website and a hosting plan. Lot of investment is required for this work. You are going to spend on buying a domain name, designing a landing page and then buying a hosting plan for that. It all going to cost you almost INR 5000 per year for the cheapest plan. Its a lot; is not it. But we have a plan by which you can do same work without spending much.

The complete plan for a successful affiliate marketing

Search a product

You will need to follow the current trends, be little creative and empathetic. Follow trends to know what is in demand. Be creative to search the products which most of the people are not promoting. Be empathetic so that you can feel a problem and find the solution for the same. For example during valentine day red dresses, gifts and jewellery are in trend. You are using your creativity and finds that cups with custom photos can also be sold and then you are empathetic to the singles and might even promote products catered for their need. Whatever the product is make sure either it gives good commission or it is easy to sell.

Make a landing page

For this you generally need domain and hosting but we would suggest you to collaborate with Digital Space. They kind of rent their website to you for hosting your landing page. You can buy space on their website for one landing page in just INR 100/- per year and if you buy space for fifteen landing pages then it is INR 1000/- per year. You don’t have to worry for domain name or hosting. Moreover if you are not sure how to make an attractive landing page then they can make a landing page for you in just INR 500/-. This way you don’t have to worry about landing page at all and you can focus on promoting your landing page.

let me revise their plan for you

  • 1 landing page for 1 year in INR 100/-
  • 15 landing pages for 1 year in INR 1000/-
  • Creation of landing page in INR 500/-

If you are not convinced with this route and want to buy domain and hosting then I will suggest you to go with Hostinger as it is reliable and most value for money hosting platform. Still its no harm to contact digital space, it just saves you money.

Otherwise you can Buy plans from hostinger by clicking the button below.

Promote your landing page

Now your landing page is live and you need people to click and buy the product that you are proud in promoting. But you have to promote it. For this you can use Googe ads, Facebook ads, Youtube, Instagram and Twitter etc. But I would suggest you to use Pinterest as it is the only platform which prominently redirects the potential customer to your landing page. For this you have to make an attractive pin which impel the audience to click. For this either you can use Canva or any other similar tool. It is quite easy to make but if you want it to be professional in looks then you can again contact Digital Space. I would suggest you to negotiate a bundle of services from them this way you would surely save a lot of money.


Please note that some of the links on this website may be affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

I only recommend products and services that I genuinely believe in and have personally used or researched. However, please be aware that I cannot be held responsible for your satisfaction with any products or services purchased through these affiliate links.

Your support through these affiliate links helps me maintain this website and continue to provide valuable content. Thank you for your support and understanding.

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